The covid pandemic has meant that a majority of people have been forced to work from home and with the constant distraction of other family members at home, it can be quite challenging to maintain a high level of productivity on a daily basis. Moneylife Foundation had hence invited Yazdi Tantra, technology enthusiast and regular contributor to Moneylife’s Online Magazine, to demonstrate the use of some productivity enhancing apps when working from home.
In a very hands-on presentation, Mr Tantra shared a few tips and tricks when using common apps such as gmail, Google Translate and Google Lens. He also demonstrated how shortcuts can be customised and configured to use make repetitive actions faster. Being a webinar, Mr Tantra was able to make use of the screen share feature in Zoom to demonstrate live how certain aspects of an app can be utilised for improvement in productivity.
The session was well attended by over 180 people and was also live streamed on Moneylife Foundation’s Facebook and YouTube channels. A brief hands-on demonstration was followed by a Q&A session with the participants.
Video recording of the session: